A musical theatre based upon the work of Eric Hoffman,
Greek translation: Jenny Mastoraki
Music: Alexandros Mouzas
Instrumentation: clar (2) – perc – Strings
Duration: 29 min
1. Struwwelpeter
2. The Story of Cruel Frederick (Die Geschichte vom bösen Friederich)
3. The Dreadful Story of Pauline and the Matches (Die gar traurige Geschichtemit dem Feuerzeug)
4. The Story of the Inky Boys (Geschichte von den schwarzen Buben)
5. The Story of the Wild Huntsman (Die Geschichte vondem wilden Jäger)
6. The Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb (Die Geschichte vom Daumenlutscher)
7. The Story of Johnny Look-in-the-Air (Die Geschichte von Hans Guck-in-die-Luft)
8. The Story of Flying Robert (Die Geschichte vom fliegenden Robert)
Premiere: 22/12/2004
Translation: Jenny Mastoraki
Actor: Leyteris Vogiatzis
Director: Maria Giparaki
Set & Costumes: Giorgos Vafias
Video animation: Spyros Rasidakis
Lighting: Lefteris Pavlopoulos
Camerata-Orchestra of the Friends of Music
directed by Giorgos Vranos